In his criminal defense attorney Arizona practice, Robert Weber defends adults and juveniles against a variety of criminal charges, including:
Felony cases involving drug charges, sex crimes, theft, burglary, assault, robbery, white collar crimes, aggravated DUI, and other serious offenses
Misdemeanor cases involving DUI, extreme DUI, and super extreme DUI (both alcohol and drug related), assault, domestic violence, shoplifting, revoked and suspended license and other matters.
If you are charged with a crime, you have the right to be represented by an attorney. This right should be taken very seriously. In all cases, you have a right to plead not guilty, and you have a right to raise as many defenses as are available under the circumstances of your case.
You may also want to engage in settlement discussions with the prosecution. In an appropriate case, you may be eligible for a plea bargain in which you agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge, in exchange for the state dropping its other charges against you or agreeing to minimize the punishment imposed.
If you are guilty of a crime and intend to plead guilty, you should still retain an attorney to assist you in obtaining the least serious charge and the smallest sentence possible. In most cases, you will be given an opportunity to present evidence including documents, testimony, and witnesses, as to why you should be given a suspended sentence, a reduced sentence, or some other special dispensation because of the nature of the crime. In fact, many jurisdictions have programs that allow you to avoid serious penalties if you agree to plead guilty to certain crimes or to undertake a certain penalty procedure.
The Law Offices of Robert J. Weber, P.C. can guide you through the criminal justice system and minimize the consequences for the offenses for which you are charged.